Saturday, August 11, 2012

Reflective essay (Spring, Summer, Autumn,Winter and Spring)

This is a video about a little monk and a grown up monk living in a temple in the middle of the pond and the grown up trying to teach lessons to the little monk. The little monk went the the mountains and tied rocks to the fish and the frog and the snake. Then the grown up monk saw it and the next morning there was a rock tied to the little monks body. The big monk said that if you go and find all the animals you tied rocks to and let them free I will let you free. That's when the little monk learnt his first lesson death.

I figured death when my dad's mother died. My grandmother died. I was young at that time but I actually say her body put in to the coffin. I really cried a lot. But I was about 7 or 6 at that time but because every one was crying I cried with them but I knew that grandmother loved me a lot and we went to see her every Sunday but every time I went to her house I only saw my grandfather, not my grandmother and that continued until I found out one day that my grandmother was never coming back to me and I won't be able to see her again ever again. It made me cry just then, 3month after her death. now some times I really regret how I did to her, my attitude to her when she was soooo kind to me and cared about me.

Now a days i really sometimes when I'm so sad or very angry I think about her and wish she was next to me and hugging me. I think that would make every worry or anger go away. Some times when I think about her tears drop from my eyes and through my cheeks very heavily...That was when I first figured what death was.

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